HAY RUN – The name of this little stream which drains the southeastern part of Newberry Township, originated early in history because of the settlement there. There are a great many fertile meadows along its banks. Before the introduction of clover and timothy, which grasses were not grown in York County before 1790, these meadows supplied much of the hay to the farmers of that section. Hence the name of the stream.
A lost industry to the village is the manufacture of pottery ware, which was begun by Thomas Wickersham, who for many years employed about half a dozen men. He began his pottery about 1830 and continued until 1851, when he moved to Keokuk, Iowa. Jesse May purchased the pottery and worked it. He was followed in the same business by Jesse and Julius Meredith. It has been discontinued for a number of years. The clay used was of excellent quality, obtained along the Hay Run, in Newberry Township.